COVID-19 update

Covid-19 Update
The most recent article from the Centre Daily Times has revealed a confirmed case in Centre County by the PA Department of Health. Due to this announcement and last nights notice from Governor Wolf, we will be making the difficult decision to restrict our business efforts to EMERGENCY APPOINTMENTS ONLY.
We will be closed to all routine appointments
from Monday March 23rd through Friday March 27th.
We, as a staff, feel strongly in doing our part in prevention efforts. To minimize the risk to amazing patients like you, we have come to an agreement that this is a necessary decision to slow the spread of this virus. We encourage every single one of you to take this seriously. No one wants to be sick and no one wants to deal with the event of losing a loved one. Waiting until things get worse and then closing would not benefit anyone but only potentially aid the spread.
In the event of a potential emergency, please call the office voicemail, reply to this email, or even message us through social media. Dr. Camacho will be accessible during this time period taking care of other office responsibilities. He has been in daily contact with a Mt. Nittany Emergency Room Physician and Geisinger Primary Care Physician in regards to the current times. He has been informed on the recommended triage process to help prevent a potential rush to the ER department leaving those who truly need it to have the accessible resources for their urgent treatment.
It is being recommended if you have the smallest inclination of a fever or progressive cough to remain at home and quarantined. The situation becomes a medical emergency when an individual sustains a very high fever or begins having difficulty to breathe. Communicate remotely with your doctors and in the event you must report to the emergency room with any symptoms please call ahead so they can prepare for your arrive with swift treatment protocols.
We thank you in advance for understanding, your protective efforts, and on-going support over the last year.
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out.
Office Phone: 814-237-2225